We can advise you on various employment issues including redundancy, unfair dismissal, wrongful dismissal, wages claims, discrimination, termination of employment, grievances and employment contracts.
We can assist and advise you on the implications of Settlement Agreements offered by employers. Formerly known as Compromise Agreements, these are often used as part of termination arrangements for employees on the basis that the employee receives a financial package and other benefits in return for leaving the employer and giving up rights to bring legal action in a court or tribunal against the employer. Payments usually include pay in lieu of notice, holiday pay and a lump sum payment at least some of which could be tax free. In order to conclude the Settlement Agreement and make it legally binding It is a requirement that the employee receives independent legal advice on the implications, terms and effect of the Settlement Agreement and whether the terms and payments are fair and reasonable or whether the employee has grounds for any claims arising from their employment or its termination. We can provide such advice and in some cases we can conduct negotiations with the employer to try and secure a larger payment. It is usual for most if not all of your costs to be paid by the employer.
Prevention is always better than cure. The litigation department deals with all aspects of advice and the drafting of contracts between individuals and partnerships or businesses to avoid uncertainty and problems in the future. If needed however, alternative dispute resolutions can be provided to include mediation and conciliation to assist parties involved in disputes by providing a quick and inexpensive service compared to court proceedings.
Advice, drafting of documents and court representation is offered in all types of dispute claims for compensation, specific performance and recovery of debts for breach of contract, unsatisfactory workmanship, product liability for the supply of goods, partnership and business disputes and service complaints including professional negligence complaints and claims against solicitors for poor service or loss of compensation.
We have a dedicated debt recovery team to secure payments of unpaid bills, debts or unsatisfied county court and high court judgments.
We offer an initial free legal advice scheme for both private and commercial clients.
Contact us for quote or information

Ebru Osoy